The Association has DNR approval to have 140 piers. We are required to follow DNR & Town of Geneva rules & ordinances. There are 1600 billable properties within the association & the 140 pier spots are in great demand. If you are a member in Good Standing, we encourage you to get on the pier waiting list, remain in Good Standing, follow the Association Rules, share a pier with someone & be patient, current wait time is +17 years.
Piers are not transferable. When you do get a pier it is imperative that you pay your dues on time & that you and your guests follow association rules.
The public boat launch belongs to the Town of Geneva. If you use the launch you must pay the launch fee.
All piers must have the pier number on both ends of the pier.
Pier Waiting List as of 2.20.25
We have 4 buoys spots! You must be on the pier waiting list to be considered for a buoy spot.