Women’s Club

The Lake Como Beach Women’s Club was organized in the fall of 1927 by President Lawrence W. Mammen, as the social committee of the Lake Como Beach
Property Owner’s Association.  Officers were appointed and by-laws were drawn up, which were approved by the Board of Directors and also by the Women’s Cub.
The Club's purpose is to provide entertainment, promote social gatherings, get the members acquainted with each other, and work for the welfare of our community at Lake Como Beach.

We welcome anyone that wishes to participate.  We are always looking for new members and new ideas.
We host Bunko at the L.C.B.P.O.A. Clubhouse on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.  Cake and coffee served at 11:30 am.  Bunko are open for anyone who wants to play.
Our Women’s Club meetings are also held at the L.C.B.P.O.A. Clubhouse on the first Tuesday of each month, March through November.

We invite all to join the Woman’s Club.  The cost is $20.00 per year and we treat ourselves to two dinners per year, a spring dinner and a Christmas dinner. There is no cost to members for these dinners and the cost for a guest varies depending on where we eat.
So, whether you join the Women’s Club or just wish to partake in the activities, please come.  We would love to meet you!

Contact: Helen Weisgerber (President) @ 262-203-5585 or
Cheryl Bogard (Vice President) @ 262-903-0245

ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN! You do not need to be a LCBPOA Homeowner to join the Women's Club.

March - November
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Noon - 3:00 pm

March - November
1st Tuesday 6:30 pm
Location: W3730 Club House Dr.

WC - Flyer
Annual Craft & Vendor Show - 2024